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Get to Know Your Audiences on GazeTV

Knowing your audience is important, especially for content creators. To better understand what content or topic your audience love watching, video and channel analytics are essential. At GazeTV, you can find all the information and reports you need on Analytics.

Within GazeTV Analytics, there are 2 tabs for you to analyze your channel and videos performance.

Overview - Monthly Report

On the Overview tab, it shows the summary of your channel performance, including the statistics for video engagement and subscriber distribution.

Under "Monthly Report", you may select the area you'd like to look into: video views, likes, comments, shares, creator rewards, duration rate, and engagement rate.

Views: Total number of views of all videos

Likes: Total number of likes of all videos

Comments: Total number of comments on all videos

Shares: Total number of shares of all videos

Creator Rewards: How much you’ve earned from your videos

Duration Rates: Total watched time divided by the number of viewers

Exposure Rates: Number of search appearances of your videos

Once you have selected which metrics you'd like to look into, the chart will show the relevant metrics card.

Overview - Subscriber distribution

On the Overview tab, there is also information about your channel subscribers.

The subscriber distribution map shows you where your subscribers come from. Clicking on the planet will show you the top 10 countries of your channel subscribers:

The pie chart shows your subscriber gender self-identification statistics:

The line chart shows you the age groups of your subscribers:

Lastly, you may also find the breakdown of video tags and interest tags.

Top 10 Tags of My Video: the top 10 video tags of videos published on your channel

Top 10 Interests of My Subscribers: the top 10 interest tags of your channel subscribers


Single Video

On the Single Video tab, it shows the breakdown of single video performance. This tells you which of your video perform better in terms of video views, engagement (like, comment, share), creator rewards, duration rate, and exposure rate.


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